By: Phil | 07-11-2021 | News
Photo credit: Twitter | Virgil Texas

Leftist Podcaster Accused of Grooming Teenage Girl

Where's Virgil Texas people are asking on Twitter. Justin Cass, better known as Chapo Trap House and Bad Faith podcast cohost has disappeared entirely since June 8th when an anonymous allegation surfaced on Twitter. The vocal anti-Gamergater and Bernie Bro has many enemies who might want to set him up, but if there isn't anything to the allegations why disappear and why the radio silence from cohosts and former cohosts?

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YouTube deleting and censoring your video? - Tiger Network!
Philip Fairbanks New Book is Here
Tips: [email protected]

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8 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 95665 2021-07-11 : 23:35

Your sister Sarah's got a nice, low-hung set of decent tits...

What's her vagina like?

Anonymous No. 95666 2021-07-11 : 23:38

your mother Barbara told me a story about how you ALMOST had a girlfriend....

Once.... just one time....

you ALMOST had a girlfriend...

But no female in your life...

Anonymous No. 95668 2021-07-12 : 03:47


Anonymous No. 95669 2021-07-12 : 03:50

LOL faggot sissy toothpick whiney nasally douchebucket...

I have never harassed anybody in your family, BUT NOW YOU ARE HARASSING MY FAMILY.

I've never spoken to anybody in your family before...


You just can't handle being trolled. Fuck you

Anonymous No. 95670 2021-07-12 : 03:52

I'm not going to troll you anymore you little sissy ass bitch...

And this is formal notification to cease and desist any communications with my family.

Any further contact with my family will result in a restraining order.

Anonymous No. 95671 2021-07-12 : 03:54

Does Jim realize you're making threats to people's family members?

Anonymous No. 95672 2021-07-12 : 03:58

nice biceps.....

Kpsl No. 95674 2021-07-13 : 09:20

Mr MacGovern you uave indeed harrassed our family, using our names, pictures and claiming to speak for us is much worse than contact. You have already faced charges for similar issues. I would think you would choose a hobby that kept you off the police radar. If youre not careful youll lose your government benefits and housing. Unless you already have and are trying to secure a cell?

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