Have you ever stopped to wonder what, if any thread connects NASA’s JPL, The Antichrist, Thomas Pynchon, the Roswell crash and cult classic b-horror distributors Troma Pictures? We delve into the weird connections between strange tales of alien cults and actual alien cults themselves. We begin with H.G. Welles and Crowley then through Lovecraft, Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard up through Thomas Pynchon to see how a suppressed history is encoded in fiction.
Gray aliens and the Roswell crash site have a long established connection to the Crowleyan current. What all could Lovecraft have possibly known about the actual cult of Thelema as they attempted to invoke extradimensional entities. Lovecraft’s cosmic horror, echoing H.G. Welles, sets the stage for the reductive materialist “clockwork universe” of our current “New Age of War.”
Is there truth hidden within the unassuming pages of pulp fiction and within the celluloid reels of cheesy b-horror movies? Tune in and decide for yourself.
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