By: Major Burdock | 04-04-2021 | The Purge, Opinion, Studio
Photo credit: Wavebreakmedia Ltd |

Let's Overlook that China Waged War on Planet Earth with a Biological Weapon

Let's Overlook that China Waged War on Planet Earth with a Biological Weapon: Why Else Should We Boycott The Olympics?"

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OICU812 No. 95517 2021-04-07 : 13:50

First off what is up with this chickenshittery of hiding in the dark? Are you afraid mommy will catch you acting like an idiot on camera, or do you know your full of shit? Berta apparently doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, or shit from Shinola for that matter. All modern trains are electric, powered by an onboard diesel-powered generator. They could easily be converted to solar by placing solar panels overhead for the length of the rail. The Keystone pipeline never in intended to provide oil, or permanent jobs for any of us. In fact this oil was heading to China, among other places. A quick search of the TC energy website will provide the documents you can download for the keystone pipeline project. In them you will find the names of the 6 union companies that were awarded contracts for the pipeline work. A quick search of their websites shows that they have several projects going on now.

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