By: Savannah Smith | 07-16-2017 | News
Photo credit: Monroe County Sheriff's Office

Florida Man Buseted Smuggling Cocaine in Cookie Monster

Law breakers have never ran out of “creative ideas” to do their thing including using an innocent doll of an iconic childhood character from Sesame Street as unwitting ‘accomplice’. Authorities have found a stash of cocaine hidden- of all places- inside a Cookie Monster doll inside the car of a Florida man apprehended for driving violations. The discovery has landed the man in jail.

39-year-old Camus McNair was arrested after a traffic stop in the Florida Keys with a heavily-tinted car and using an obscure license plate number. The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release that a deputy smelled marijuana odor after ordering McNair to pull over. The deputy searched a backpack in the car and saw the Cookie Monster doll. The officer noticed then that the doll seemed heavier than normal, and he also noticed a slit that has been cut through it.

The authorities discovered about 11 ounces (312 grams) of cocaine inside the doll. McNair was then sent to prison, with bail set at $7,000. Jail records show no lawyer is listed for him.

The law will take care of punishing McNair for possession of illegal drugs. But how should old-school fans who grew up with Sesame Street and Cookie Monster ‘punish ‘him for “desecrating” a beloved character…turning it from Cookie Monster doll to Cookie Monster drugs?


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Anonymous No. 5246 2017-07-16 : 22:54

I wonder if he had the munchies?

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