By: Red Pill | 08-23-2017 | News
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NeoCon Puppet John Kasich Does Nothing as 4100 Ohioans Died in 2016 from Heroin Overdoses

John Kasich is the Governor of Ohio and a failed Presidential Candidate.

He's been a <i>Never Trumper</i> all along, touting shale production in Ohio as if he had something to do with it (he didn't, the boom in shale was irrelevant to his governance) all whilst ignoring the citizens of Ohio.

Ohio is a manufacturing state, or was, as it's seen the same declines as most of the rust belt over the past several decades.

Unfortunately for John Kasich, Ohio has been embroiled in a massive heroin epidemic the likes of which have never been seen in the region.

Even small children are dying from the nightmare drug heroin and its counterpart in fentanyl. However, Kasich is doing little to nothing to fight the problem.

Many ask why? Mayors of communities affected by the plague of opioid addiction are beginning to call out John Kasich on his disastrous deeds as a Governor, or you could say the lack thereof.

Now due to Kasich’s continued ignoring of the major issue, an organization which represents many Ohio mayors is urging Governor John Kasich to take action and establish a dedicated emergency operations center.

Such a facility would be used to coordinate the state's response to the opioid crisis and lead to the eventual appointment of an opioid czar.

Kasich has ignored pleas from communities to do this for years, instead of worried about his air time on television (before his election he was a Fox News anchor) and his publicity as well as aspirations to become President.

In a newly sent letter to the Governor, the Ohio Mayor's Alliance says the state's work has been almost nonexistent, leaving communities to grasp for straws in combating the heroin trade that's outside their individual jurisdictions.

Of course, that's what neocons like Kasich want, a struggling, dumbed down population that cannot rebel against the 1% as it has its way with legislation and policy that effectively screw the working man.

This is nothing new from those types, and they're the same types of GOP that overly represent the membership of Congress.

The group suggests seven potential improvements that the Governor could have made based on observations gathered from local communities.

"We are witnessing an unfolding catastrophe, unparalleled in our state's recent history, and more needs to be done by all of us to confront this deadly epidemic," the group wrote in the letter.

The group's number one priority is to establish a joint operations center similar to what might appear during a disease outbreak.

"As we surveyed our member communities to understand what was being done on the ground, it became clear that insufficient information flow between different levels of government was impairing our collective ability to make sound policy decisions," the member mayors wrote.

A spokesman for Kasich, however, brushed it off, like he's continued to do throughout his term, and said his Administration will” give serious consideration to the Mayors’ recommendations”, in essence, hinting that he won't do anything.

If he took it seriously, he'd have taken action over the course of many years that tens of thousands of Ohioans have died.

"We welcome all ideas that can provide those on our front lines with new tools and resources to help," spokesman Jon Keeling said.

Democrat John Cranley, of Cincinnati; Republican Lydia Mihalik, of Findlay; Democrat Tim DeGeeter, of Parma; Democrat Andrew Ginther, of Columbus; and Republican Don Patterson, of Kettering; all crossed the aisle in an attempt to save lives by writing the letter to the disastrous Governor.

The letter was then copied to Senate President Larry Obhof, House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger, and Attorney General Mike DeWine, all Republicans.

The alliance members noted President Donald Trump's recent Declaration of a National Emergency surrounding opioids across the country.

States have expressed hope that the current President's Declaration could lead to additional help or money from the federal government to attack the crisis, which is now killing 11 Ohio residents each and every day.

Ohio Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Kristen Castle said the state's emergency operation center has operated around the clock since 2012 and is sharing law enforcement drug interdiction information with local, state and federal agencies.

Castle also said that the Ohio Emergency Management Agency became operational in 2015 and added Department of Health information sharing last year.

The problem is, criminal cartels such as MS-13 continue to traffic the drugs into Ohio, then sell the heroin to predominantly African American gangs in the larger cities, who then in turn sell the heroin to smaller dealers in tiny communities, so there are an impossible means of coordinating outside each police jurisdiction in effectively stopping the “ruling class” of the drug wars.

Kasich, either flat out doesn't care that over 4,100 Ohioans died under his watch last year, or simply chooses to ignore it.

The group has also proposed other ideas, including streamlining the flow of information from cities to the state and coordinating the sharing of crisis resources such as the overdose antidote naloxone and clean needles.

Such an attempt merely a band-aid however on a flowing and severed artery. There has to be top down coordination alongside state and national law enforcement to find the people responsible and get them the hell out of our country.

The Department of Justice under Attorney General Jeff Sessions is willing to assist, but Kasich isn't willing to set up regional command, so the DOJ, ICE, FBI, and ATF are unable to work alongside these cities to help them.

Thousands of people, majority white males, and females are dying. Ohio actually led the nation last year in deaths from opioids.

You can literally buy heroin from outside a gas station in many cities in Ohio. You may even be approached while pumping gas with someone trying to sell it.

It's like the walking dead in other towns, where you see brain dead zombie like addicts trying to find their next fix. Houses boarded up, crime is rampant.

So why isn't John Kasich serving these interests and trying to save lives? A multitude of reasons.

Many would say it's because Kasich is setting himself up for a primary challenge to President Trump in 2020, and that's believed by several people in the neocon circles.

So out of spite in 2017 thousand more will die because Kasich puts himself before the people he was elected to represent.

It's a bitter tragedy for Ohio, and most Ohioans now realize that John Kasich was a mistake.


—<i>[email protected]</i>

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