By: Kyle James | 04-02-2018 | News
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Hero Who Stopped Sutherland Springs Church Shooter "I Think These Kids Don't Understand"

If you go up to any college or high school student and ask them if they have heard of Stephen Willeford or the Sutherland Springs shooting, chances are they will say no. When Stephen Willeford stopped the Sutherland Springs church shooter with his AR-15 he became a hero, but because he didn't fit the mainstream media's liberal, anti-gun agenda, there was very little coverage of his heroic deeds on November 5, 2017.

Related coverage: <a href="">Couple Who Survived Texas Shooting Say Gunman Targeted Crying Children</a>

Willeford is a former NRA instructor and a gun owner when he and his daughter heard what sounded like gunshots, he grabbed his rifle and headed to investigate. Just blocks away from his home, Devin Patrick Kelley, a former U.S. Air Force serviceman who was discharged for bad conduct, was shooting up a Baptist church killing 26 people and wounding several more.

Willeford and the gunman exchanged gunfire and the former NRA instructor managed to land a shot between the plating of Kelley's bulletproof vest. The shots caused the shooter to flee the church but Willeford wasn't about to let him get away to cause more carnage. He flagged down a passing truck and quickly explained what had happened to the driver.

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The driver and Willeford chased down Kelley as he tried to make his escape all the while bleeding out from Willeford's bullet. Kelley eventually crashed his SUV into a ditch and shot himself in the head taking his own life. The actions of legal, gun owning citizens saved lives that day, but that doesn't fit the liberal agenda that guns are bad and need to be outlawed.

Related coverage: <a href="">CNN Slammed for Imposing Its Liberal Views on Texas Casualty Count</a>

Willeford says that all the gun control in the world won't stop a bad guy from getting a gun. In fact, Kelley was convicted of domestic abuse and should not have even been legally allowed to purchase a firearm. When asked recently at a news conference what he thought about the recent student activists calling for gun control, Willeford said, "I think these kids don't understand. They don't understand history. They confiscate guns and then the tyrannical governments take over."

"Common ground as far as dealing with mental illness and dealing with the background checks, making sure that the bad guys don't get guns and stuff – if they would find common ground with training teachers and putting metal detectors up at the doors of schools and stuff – that would be common ground that would make a difference," Willeford added.

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2 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 22077 2018-04-02 : 06:23

But he's an "Old, White, Straight Male!" they would only listen to John Oliver or Oprah.

Anon No. 22133 2018-04-03 : 01:18

CNN had an article on it here…

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