By: Kyle James | 10-19-2018 | News
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Actress Kristen Bell Says Non-consensual Kiss In "Snow White" Goes Against Her Beliefs

The American actress who is best known for her roles in "The Good Place" and "Frozen" Kristen Bell has drawn outrage after she called out the fairy tale "Snow White" in a new interview. What problem could the millionaire actress have with a timeless Disney masterpiece? Well, it seems she has a problem with the prince kissing an "unconscious" Snow White without her consent.

Bell conveniently ignores the fact that Snow White is under a spell that can only be broken by "true loves first kiss". Considering the fact that Snow White awakens from her ethereal slumber, it seems that she truly does love the prince so why should it matter whether he kissed her to break the spell and she didn't verbally say "Yes, you can kiss me"? In case you don't remember the Disney classic from your childhood, here is the scene Bell refers to:

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Bell went on to tell Parents Magazine that she always reads Snow White to her children Lincoln, 5, and Delta, 3, and asks them if they think it is odd that the prince kisses Snow White. "Don’t you think that it’s weird that the prince kisses Snow White without her permission? Because you cannot kiss someone if they’re sleeping," Bell said. That is how out of touch with reality Hollywood liberal loons are and it never ceases to amaze me what they will think of next to be offended by.

Although Disney didn't originate the story, they popularized it in animation form with their 1938 film adaption that shows the prince saving Snow White from an eternity of sleep with a single kiss. What normal and rational person thinks children need an explanation as to why kissing Snow White to break the spell is somehow inappropriate? One thing is for sure, Bell is indoctrinating her children from a very young age into the liberal left ideology of politically correct culture and identity politics.

The 38-year-old Bell wants her daughters to question the morality behind the story as if it were some kind of slight against women's rights. Bell discussing the matter and how she teaches her children about the far-left ideology that requires consent for every single move that can even be considered remotely sexual. Even a brush against a woman's buttocks or breast is considered a sexual assault in today's culture even when it is a complete accident.

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The real problem is there is a small percentage of men who truly are scumbags and their evil actions get a bad name for all men. The majority of men in Western cultures, including myself, have never so much as thought about raping a woman or touching them inappropriately in any way. Yet, on a daily basis, men are treated as if they are scumbags, especially if you are a white male.

Fortunately, the giant worldwide fan base of Dinsey jumped to the defense of the film "Snow White". One user wrote in reply to Bell and Parents Magazine on Twitter, "No. It’s a fairy tale for goodness sakes. Stop PCing and over thinking everything. It’s true loves kiss. Sometimes we need to leave the crazy reality of life and dream."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No. It’s a fairy tale for goodness sakes. Stop PCing and over thinking everything. It’s true loves kiss . Sometimes we need to leave the crazy reality of life and dream.</p>&mdash; Truth be told (@Truthbe46567003) <a href="">October 18, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Related coverage: <a href="LINK GOES HERE">Hyper link text here</a>

Another Twitter user wrote, "I love @IMKristenBell and respect her opinion but honestly as a kid, I didn't think that deep about those movies haha and I believe most kids don't notice those things. As adults yes we can see them, and they are a little weird but most kids don't look that deep into movies."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I love <a href="">@IMKristenBell</a> and respect her opinion but honestly as a kid I didn&#39;t think that deep about those movies haha and I believe most kids don&#39;t notice those things. As adults yes we can see them, and they are a little weird but most kids don&#39;t look that deep into movies. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Anne (@annemacfadyen) <a href="">October 17, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Another user cut straight to chase writing, "I’ve never rolled my eyes harder oh brother."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">i’ve never rolled my eyes harder oh brother</p>&mdash; boorittney (@BritttHoffmann) <a href="">October 17, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Other Twitter users said that the so-called "non-consensual" kiss is far from the most alarming part of the film. One user pointed out how silly it was to take issue with the kiss when there are so many other adult-themed elements in the film saying, "The story has attempted murder, witchcraft, a magic mirror, poison…but the kiss is an issue."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The story has attempted murder, witchcraft, a magic mirror, poison…but the kiss is an issue.</p>&mdash; JGH (@Hubb57) <a href="">October 18, 2018</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Not so worried that you took a job and a paycheck from Disney. 🙄</p>&mdash; Tangier (@tangytangier) <a href="">October 18, 2018</a></blockquote>

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My favorite response by far was from this user who wrote, "Not so worried that you took a job and a paycheck from Disney." The irony is so true and reminds me of "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" director Rian "Roundhead" Johnson calling for "fewer white men directing Star Wars films" yet didn't give up his job so that a woman could have it.

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He even took a deal to direct another three Star Wars films from Disney proving that the far-left of Hollywood is more interested in virtue signaling than actually bringing about change. Why don't you give up your job making millions as a Star Wars director to a female or a person of color Rian? And if Disney offends your beliefs so poorly Bell then why are you content to still take a paycheck from them?

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7 Comment/s
Grimm Reality No. 39757 2018-10-19 : 03:47

Previously, the left went after a video game placed in medieval Europe for having white characters. (That’s who was in medieval Europe.)

Sometimes.. you have to remember Humans are Deuterostomes, which means as they develop in the womb, the Anus develops before any other opening..

Which means at one point, you where nothing but an @sshole…

Most Politically Far Left people never develop past this point

Anonymous No. 39773 2018-10-19 : 09:27

Told my wife this latest attention seeking career fading comment.

My wife responded "Who Gives a F@$*… what a stupid B***h says."

I would have said it better with less &%^$# **, since I have had my 1st cup of coffee.

tab No. 39783 2018-10-19 : 12:20

feminist bitches aborted my babies…..

Anonymous No. 39792 2018-10-19 : 13:40

who really cares what her opinion is? I do not even know who she is. why does the media even print this shit? because they are stupid I bet.

Anonymous No. 39830 2018-10-19 : 23:02


Good for you! No. 39839 2018-10-20 : 02:18

I demand a live action remake of "Snow White" with the NPC kristen bell as Snow White.

Never to be awoken because she prefers to slumber in stasis rather than being awake & alive.

Hardeharharhar the evil Queen wins!

I am sure the actress has done far worse to further her career.

Anonymous No. 39859 2018-10-20 : 09:44

Summary: No good deed goes unpunished by a Liberal.

Do a Liberal a favor and they'll still bite you.

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