Last week I began a series going into the many covered up instances of prosecutors, judges, politicians and other attorneys receiving a slap on the wrist for crimes against children in New Jersey, including some specifically from the 20th Legislative District of New Jersey. That is, Union County, where the lawyer Kai alleges drugged and raped him lived. Where the prosecutor and judge and public defender who were friends of the deceased alleged rapists surrounded Kai in court.
Kai the Hitchhiker Uncovers Potential Pedophile Ring & Cover Up in New Jersey
One thing I noticed while going through this list was the name Boylan showing up multiple times. There is also a coincidence regarding a Boylan in New Jersey whose law firm is apparently connected to insurance companies, specifically the law firm Golden Rothschild Spagnola Lundell Boylan & Garubo in Bridgewater, New Jersey. I am planning to cross-reference a couple background check sites to see if it can be determined whether E. Richard Boylan of New Jersey (former Judicial Clerk in the New Jersey Superior Court before joining GRSLBG&B in 1986) who represents "insurance companies and self-insured companies in the defense of these claims." I have also emailed E. Richard Boylan via his listed email at GRSLB&G.
Fittingly, the first case we will look at today is related to Prudential Property & Cas. Ins. Co. v Boylan 307 NJ Super 162 (App Div 1997).
Kai writes: "NJ Judge James F. Boylan helped his son Ryan avoid jail time for molesting a 5 year old. No record remains o it except for this lawsuit by the child's parents."
Sure enough, I found no news coverage related to the molestation of a child of a judge, the same judge who was involved in defrauding the state and having sex with women in exchange for diminished sentences. We'll cover that in just a minute. The only mention of Ryan Boylan's rape of their five year old daughter as he was babysitting her is in the case text for this lawsuit, as Kai mentioned.
Misinformation and Lack of Ethics in Reporting in the Kai the Hitchhiker Case
In this case: "The motion judge ruled that Prudential's homeowners policy provided coverage to James and Linda Boylan and that the policy's business pursuits exception did not apply because this was a 'one time only casual accommodation to babysit in an emergency.' The judge also ruled that the insurance policy covered fifteen year old Ryan Boylan as a matter of law because he was deemed to lack the requisite intent or mental capacity to understand the nature of his acts."
That's right, this 15-year-old rapist of a 5-year-old deemed too young to understand that molesting a small child is wrong. Prudential Insurance applied for but was denied access to Ryan Boylan's juvenile court records. Whether there are other examples of this type of behavior we will never know. I did search for Ryan Boylan in New Jersey state and federal sex offender registries. No record of Boylan being on the RSO list exists.
The case ended with a judgement in favor of the plaintiffs for nearly $400,000 plus pre-judgement interest. Ryan Boylan "babysat" the 5-year-old girl and her little brother, taking them upstairs where they "played some games" then went to bed. The daughter was taken to a bedroom where Ryan Boylan forced the little girl to perform oral sex on him. Boylan admitted to this act.
The defendants in the case argued "that we should declare the law of New Jersey to be that in cases where a minor sexually abuses a much younger child it is the minor's subjective intent that should apply, rather than the objective intent standard that would apply to adults." Now yes, the judge's son was a minor, but there is a
major difference between a 5 and 15-year-old.
In the suit it's argued that "N.J.S.A. 2C:4-11a(1) creates a presumption of maturity for an individual over the age of fourteen, it is manifest that this fifteen year old boy knew what he was doing to this five year old girl."
Once again, it is noteworthy to mention that Ryan Boylan is the son of James F. Boylan who a few years later would face charges of coaching female defendants to lie in court to reduce their fines and penalties in exchange for sexual favors. Former Municipal judge Boylan admitted these actions to the court. In addition to coercing women into having sex in exchange for reduced sentences, Boylan defrauded the City of Jersey City to the tune of somewhere between $10,0000 and $20,0000. This was also admitted openly to the court.
For some strange reason the court ruled that "the offense level is not determined under [section] 2C1.7(c) (1), (2), or (3)." U.S.S.G. § 2C1.7, comment. (n.4). Since the offense level is not determined under any of these subsections, the abuse of position of trust or use of special skill adjustment is not applicable." As for how a judge coercing sex from women using his position is not an abuse of power and trust, I have no clue. It's also interesting that Boylan was ruled financially unable to pay a fine and "not likely to become able to pay any fine in the future."
Boylan at the very least was disbarred and
a very short article at New York Times was written up on the case. This is one of only two of the nearly couple dozen (so far) names on this list to have had any media coverage of the major crimes by these various judges, politicians, prosecutors, public defenders and Union County jail staff to have committed awful crimes without so much as a drop of newspaper ink coverage.
Another name I'll have to cross-reference in background searches is Matthew P. Boylan of New Jersey, director of the State Division of Criminal Justice in New Jersey. Matthew Boylan is mentioned in the New York Times article from 1974, "8 Are Accused of Fraud in Insurance Take-Over."
In the case of Harry Parkin, similar to Boylan, we have an indictment regards to "a scheme to defraud the public of his honest services in his role as Chief of Staff to the Mercer County Executive." In the case of Parkin, he was indicted on twelve counts of mail fraud as well. Parkin was also accused of extortion.
Parkin tried to argue his sentence received was "unreasonable" by nature of his standing in the community and prior military service record:
"This is a sad situation. Everything that I see indicates that before this
period of time the defendant was [a] well respected, highly successful attorney, he served honorably in the nation’s military and was respected by a number of people and indeed served as the person responsible for the ethics in the county."
Defense for the Prosecution in the Kai the Hitchhiker Trial
Similar to friend of Joseph Galfy and former prosecutor in the Caleb McGillivary (Kai the Hitchhiker) trial even the District Court itself noted that Parkin was "very highly respected" and that “[p]eople say a lot of good things about him . . . .” (Id. at 240.) The District Court read from a letter Parkin wrote to the Court in which Parkin cited his long years in public service as well as his military service. (Id. at 243.) The District Court considered this letter as well as “the letters of all the people that knew Parkin and spoke well of him.”
Parkin appealed the sentence of 90 months followed by 3 years of supervised release and $26,000 fine. $26,000 isn't that much when you consider the amount Parkin defrauded the taxpayers ran well into six figures.
Next up is another case similar to that of Boylan and Parkin. The matter of In Re Quatrella 237 NJ 402 (2019) is also cited in the Matter of Angelo M. Perrucci the Disciplinary Review Board of New Jersey, decided as recently as late August of 2021. Yet another case of a New Jersey judge caught up in wire fraud.
David L. Quatrella was temporarily suspended after one count of wire fraud. Quatrella failed to appear on the Order directing him to show cause why he not be disbarred. It appears that it was Quatrella's failure to attempt to defend himself and not the fraud and corruption that led to him being disbarred.
The Quatrella Matter is cited in a New Jersey DRB decided February of last year. Once again, coincidentally, insurance policies and fraud are involved.
Meanwhile, the 2020 New Jersey Courts Disciplinary Summaries shows that the situation has far from abated. Eval Katzman "solicited high school-aged girls for sex in exchange for money. He showed no remorse for his conduct and attempted to shift blame to his victims." Brian P. Meehan entered a no contest plea regarding "statutory sexual assault, victim 11 years or older." Jeffrey Toman "engaged in sexually explicit txt messages with a fourteen-year-old girl whose mother he was representing in a child custody proceeding." Guess what, no news coverage of the Katzman case.
Yes, you heard that right. The middle-school aged girl was his client's daughter and the case was a custody hearing. This sort of disgusting conflict of interest should never be allowed to exist, as we see over and over again though things operate just a little differently in Galfy country, it seems. We also have the crooked public defender Andrew Michael Carroll "engaging in a sexual relationship with a client while appointed her public defender."
In the case of Tobin G. Nilsen, this New Jersey lawyer was finally disbarred after federal court conviction of enticing a minor to engage in sexual activity and state court conviction of second-degree child luring. Nilsen had bought a ticket to fly from New Jersey to Atlanta to meet up with what he believed to be a 32-year-old mother of a nine-year-old daughter who he expected to have sex with. He had been arrested previously by New Jersey law enforcement for soliciting yet another "mother-daughter pair for sexual activity." Why was he not disbarred immediately then? Once again, it appears this is just the way business is taken care of in New Jersey. As per the usual, neither of the Nilsen cases were deemed "newsworthy" apparently, no results in Google News for Tobin Nilsen New Jersey returned.
Despite a "2010 conviction of lewdness and years-long pattern of inappropriate sexual conduct" Todd C. Sicklinger only received a three month suspension. John Rex Powell was disbarred in 2016 after "one count of engaging in child pornography enterprise and two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor." David J. Witherspoon in 2010 received a one year suspension "for offering discounted legal services or fee reductions to three female clients and the daughter of another client in exchange for sexual favors, practicing law while ineligible to do so for failure to pay the annual assessment to the New Jersey Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection, and failing to maintain the books and records required of attorneys."
In 2009, Stephen W. Thompson was disbarred due to conviction for sexual exploitation of a minor. He had been temporarily suspended already in 2005. The case of Steven C. Cunningham, related to sexually explicit chats with what he believed to be a 12-year-old boy resulted in disbarment in 2007. Andre McGuire was finally disbarred in 2007 after a guilty plea to four counts of sexual assault in the third degree. This after previous disciplinary measures: a six months suspension in 1994 and temporary suspension in 2006.
Kenneth Fink just got a three year suspension in 2003. He had previously been disbarred in the State of Delaware based on his conviction of 15 counts of felony possession of child pornography. He had been previously disciplined with a temporary suspension. Then there's Stephen A. Gallo. Gallo was disbarred following his being charged with "four separate acts of the fourth degree crime of criminal sexual contact."
William S. Wolfson got a paltry six months suspension after pleading guilty to an accusation of fourth degree criminal sexual contact. What's more this assault was of a "female employee at his doctor's office." He admitted that he had a habit of this having "touched six female employees at his doctor's office between 10 and 15 times." Once again though, as we've learned here New Jersey doesn't seem to be too concerned with judges, prosecutors, public defenders and state legislators being accused of sex crimes, even against children, even multiple instances of such. Wolfson lucked out with a "Pre-Trial Intervention Program."
James W. Kennedy is another case of the six-month suspension slap on the wrist despite fourth-degree endangering the welfare of a child involved in his admission of downloading between 20,000-30,000 images of children under 16 engaged in sexual acts. Salvatore J. Maiorino was "reprimanded" before the review board for fourth degree sexual assault of a minor. The Supreme Court of New Jersey "held that a reprimand was the appropriate discipline for an attorney who pleaded no contest to an information filed in the state of Connecticut" related to the sex crime against a minor.
Terry G. Tucker also received no more than a "reprimand" from the N.J.S.C. related to "unwanted, sexual advances to a bankruptcy client." If behavior like that or these numerous crimes against children isn't behavior unbefitting a member of the bar, I honestly don't know what would be considered such.
James I. Peck, IV received a whopping 21 month "time-served suspension" as discipline for his charge of child pornography possession. Like several other cases noted here and in part I, this wasn't Peck's first rodeo. He had been temporarily suspended 2 years earlier in October of 2001 (In re Peck, 170 N.J. 4). Donald S. Rosanelli, another six month suspension over child pornography and child endangerment was mentioned in the previous article in this series.
A one year suspension from law practice was deemed sufficient and appropriate discipline for Donald M. Ferraiolo for "attempted endagering [of] the welfare of a child" and sexually explicit chats with "Jay" who he believed to be a 14-year-old boy. Ferraiolo repeatedly asked Jay to come to his home "to engage in numerous sexual acts, some of which were explicitly stated."
At least in the case of Gerard Gilligan the New Jersey Supreme Court finally found a a second degree aggravated sexual assault charge enough (after a temporary previous suspension the year prior).
In the case of Ty Hyderally a "reprimand was the appropriate discipline for an attorney whose certification to practice of law before Navy courts or boards was suspended by the Judge Advocate General of the United States Navy for two years as a result of sexual advances that the respondent made to two women who were his legal aid clients
while he was in the Navy." Kind of ruins the end of A Few Good Men thinking of the JAG lawyers being predators, huh?
Once again, this is just getting us over the halfway point (as far as I can tell currently). Stay tuned...
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