WikiLeaks praises Mozilla and bashes other software vendors such as Google. Mozilla replied to WikiLeaks and updated Firefox with several security updates on March 17, 2017.
As a result of this, several people have switched from Google Chrome and other browsers to Firefox. Keep in mind that for every user who publicly switches browsers, we can expect hundreds if not more to do so silently; at this time, it is impossible to give any hard numbers of people switching.
According to Assange, most of the companies who have dragged their feet in communication with WikiLeaks, and not yet updated their software, are doing classified work for the US government. Accordingly, it's a conflict of interest for them to acknowledge and fix security breaches based on leaked info from the CIA.
Assange also threatens to create a table of responsiveness and government affiliations so people can choose for themselves what software they want to use.
People who've ditched Chrome