#maga hat contingent at Ramstein waiting for President Trump pic.twitter.com/18wdP87vZK
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) December 27, 2018
Trump flag (she dropped it after she saw me taking a photo) pic.twitter.com/LhPwUNdEK3
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) December 27, 2018
CNN's Don Lemon and former Obama official Samantha Vinograd claim Trump is "the Grinch" that "stole Christmas" from U.S. soldiers in Iraq. pic.twitter.com/ViAgpjZL3x
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 27, 2018
Trump: “We Give Israel Billions, It Can Defend Itself In Syria”
— God Right (@GodPilled) December 27, 2018
I'm grateful that @realDonaldTrump is standing up for #US
This is why #USARegimeChange is trending.
Anyone who thinks we should fight a #SyrianWar, for #Israel, is not putting #America First.https://t.co/dI4zJxkLYB
And waving campaign gear, in violation of military rules.
— 🆒 Chris Parry ™ (@ChrisParry) December 27, 2018
Yeah, this wasn't "political" at all. That's just a soldier committing PDA pic.twitter.com/r2RrWJkUgD
— dbetzel (@dbetzel) December 27, 2018
.@FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to visit our incredible troops at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.! pic.twitter.com/rDlhITDvm1
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2018
Source: https://twitter.com/jeneps/status/1078102137899495425
Twitter: #MAGA #ArmedForces #SupportOurTroops #BringOurTroopsHome #FakeNewsMedia #Trump
These “main” stream reporters still don’t get it! Maybe they work for the CIA in a clandestine way? Perhaps “they” have instruction that are unavoidable to try to mitigate the coming pain which begins January 1st. Either way, it is nice to see the media look like a bunch of political clowns wearing their ( ! ) hats.
The person that wrote this article is obviously a partisan Republican hack that doesn't see that these soldiers were breaking rules that everybody has followed for decades.
An exclamation point between two parentheses is the nice way of representing A$$h@1e.
Maybe that’s why every actionable engagement required the presidents approval under the Barry and his killer at the state dept. Hillary. Demoralized troops do tend to get out or say piss on the leaders........funny though....they are not for this president. Instead the spontaneously shout and chant USA, USA. Democrats just don’t get it and never will!
Democrats are sour grapes!! They didn't break any damn rules either. THATS A BIG FAT LIE!! "There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president," USAFE said in a statement. JEALOUS MUCH???!!! Followed for decades/ Right! My ( ! )
The Bloomberg Reporter is just another anti American hack.