Twitter: #superbowl #superbowlliii #superbowlads #mmj #cannabis
What a retarded renark to make about Jews? It must think it's Hitler's reincarnate or a Demoncrat?. Fabulous article except the Super Bowl us football. You mentioned it as Baseball. Extremely informative.
As Trump is poised to executive order legalization of cannabis across the USA, liberals are taking a negative stance against cannabis. In Detroit, local news stations all of the sudden are broadcasting cannabis in negative light, lumping it in with the hoax of opioid “crisis” horseshit.
First line is: Baseball is supposedly the national pastime, but everybody knows that the Super Bowl is "the big game." I think that's meant to mean that despite Baseball being "America's national pastime" Super Bowl is a bigger tv event than the World Series. Could have been a bit more clearer though.
we all know the fake news media are part and parcel of the dnc communist mafia clan, paid off through perkins coie clinton cabal. the whole network of fake news, hollyweird, music industry, big pharma, ninth month abortion supporting baby murderers, corporate globalist communist and more, collection,collude together against we the people at every threshold and level possible. modern slavery and world dominance the goal, through lies and brainwashing an already dumbed down society that cant get passed skin color and identity politics to see any truth of their own demise at the hands of these satanic whoremongers. this is only one small battle, we best get focused on the war at hand.
My name is Phil Stasi. I am the one they have labeled the antichrist, but I am innocent. I have been persecuted, mind-controlled, and tortured by the governments of America and Israel.
The same people who have done this to me are part of a coalition that will launch World War 3 very soon. We all know this to be the Prophecy of the End Times. Search youtube for "Malhama" if you don't believe me.
This will be a nuclear war between America and Russia in which thousands of nuclear weapons will explode, ruining the face of the planet, thrusting us into an ice age of thick radioactive fog. Everything on the surface will die. Billions of people will die. And in the end, the US, Israel, and Nato forces will lose and be destroyed. Russia and the East will win. But we as a human species will be devastated.
We must do everything in our power to prevent this war! The entire US government is suspect. We must work towards peace and nuclear disarmament.
Please stop everything you are doing and help me spread the word. We have only one chance. Our complete focus from now to the day of the great war, must be devoted to warning others and moving to prevent this. If we all go to our deaths without lifting a finger to save ourselves, then why are we here in the first place?
It will not do simply to prepare for the End thinking one might escape to the south, for life under those conditions will be unbearable.
the evil jew pharmaceutical industry is being protected by evil media jews.