By: Earnest Jones | 04-08-2017 | News
Photo credit: washington staff | flickr

False Flag #FireKushner Hashtag Pushed Hard By The Left

The strikes in Syria tore apart President Trump’s top two advisers. The White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon was reported to have said that he loves gunfight and for his sake he better hope that is true. The battle for President Trump’s soul is at an all-time high between Bannon and Kushner.

Despite Bannon’s objection on the Syria missile strikes, President Trump went ahead and executed the attack. Bannon argued that the strikes violated Trump’s America First ideology while Jared Kushner insisted they were necessary as a response to Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons.

President Trump turned to his top aides and told them that he had had enough of their ceaseless fights in the media. Mr. Trump urged the two to work things out. The warning shots were fired at Stephen K. Bannon, the turbulent chief strategist, and Reince Priebus, the gentle chief of staff, over a series of arguments with Jared Kushner.

President Trump is aware that it will take a lot of effort for the two to reconcile. This because Mr. Bannon sees himself as the keeper of Mr. Trump’s campaign promises, and the competing ideologies of Mr. Kushner and Mr. Cohn, a longtime Wall Street executive and a Democrat. Mr. Trump is considering a shake-up his senior staff.

Kushner has seen it fit to challenge Bannon’s populist ideology. As a result, the two no longer have the uncle-nephew thing going. Kushner’s centrist team constitutes National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump.

The feud spilled out into the open this week after it was announced that Bannon was removed from Trump's National Security Council. The move was widely seen as an indication of Bannon's fading influence in the White House, though Bannon immediately disputed that notion.

The NSC shift, over which Bannon allegedly threatened to quit, coincided with Kushner being given more responsibility and the president's daughter Ivanka being hired in an official role in the West Wing.

Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner has been on the rise, this has only further isolated Bannon, the chief strategist, from the President and his inner circle.

Several Republicans think that Trump is not ready to make a change, even though they feel that Priebus, chief of staff, and Bannon should go. While Bannon still has a seat at the table, his position seems to be slipping. Kushner, meanwhile, appears ascending.


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